There are reasons for my absence, but I'll go into those on another post...(nothing too serious, chin up!!)
I was reading the recent blog war (or all I can take of it) between pro-BDSM feminists and RadFems (see here for more) ...
One or two of the RadFems have finally agreed to look at the idea of BDSM with a little more of an open mind, which is great! I know I'm a man and therefore the spawn of all evil, but I can't help but think that clinging to a theory because 'it's what other radical feminists think', particularly in the light of a plethora of evidence provided by other women, is not a bright idea. I might push Ve around to make her cum, but I'd hate to do it for real in a situation where women's rights were concerned...!! OUCH!!!
In her statement, however, she notes that whilst she is getting to grips with other things, the idea of age play is "too close to paedophilia!!!" I've seen this before and from intelligent people it really gets me...
I'm going to quote from my book now (yes, I am still busily writing...). If you have a problem with any consensual fetish, then try this:
Jim’s Point: Never believe anything you’re told as being the absolute truth. Go, with an open mind, and see for yourself... (And that includes anything I tell you!)
Jim’s Method:
- Stop!
- Calmly apply logic (a priori logic* only, please) and reason.
- Imagine you were the person: Does it make sense for you to act that way given what you have just deduced from their behaviour?
- Presume that the person whose point of view or actions offend you is a human being just like you – extend them that courtesy and...
- Talk to them; enquire a little...
- Take time to make a proper and extended study of the action or the subject(s) and if necessary add original thoughts of your own until the process makes sense.
- Cross check your thoughts on the matter with the people concerned or similarly disposed individuals.
Jim’s Law: ALL people have the right to their own sexuality and the right to consent, irrespective of what you or I or society might think about it. Between two consenting adults, unless their actions will result in death or permanent debilitating injury, there can be no crime.
If you can suspend society’s knee jerk reactions, study and evaluate for yourself, then the passage through this land will be easier and will bear more fruit.
* A priori logic – logic that is intrinsically true without any experience, e.g. a two dimensional shape with three corners or vertices and three sides or edges which are line-segments, is a triangle. So for example,’ BDSMers are all weird’ cannot be ‘a priori’...
When I first came across this 'weirdness' it was first hand...
I was happily fucking away one day with a hot new girl I had found, who had a fantastically deviant mind, when the following came out of her mouth:
"Fuck me, daddy!"
I won't pretend to you that I wasn't shocked for a second, but I thought...'okay, that's her kink.' There was no crime, so I continued and asked how my little girl was and stroked her hair... the results were, as you could imagine, quite explosive!
This was my first Daddy/L'il Girl relationship and, to be honest, it was brilliant. I find it so shocking that when I looked it up I found that people were linking it to paedophilia...
Now, my controversial views on paedophilia...
1. The safety of children always has priority.
2. The act itself is wrong because a child cannot consent.
3. Watching that kind of porn is wrong, because the children in it cannot consent.
- Being a paedophile is fine, provided you never engage in the two actions mentioned above - I believe that if being a perv and sexually awaking with kinky fantasies is hard, then being a paedophile and having to never act on them must be an UNBEARABLE BURDON!
- I think it worth investing time and money into GENUINE (ie not electro aversion or 'talking therapies') attempts at treatment or help.
- I believe that paedophiles who annotate photographs of children should not be criminalised: I would rather they be at home photoshopping/trying to control their urges, than out posing a danger to children.
There are those who will say "a paedophile sat at home making their own pornography is still going to be a real danger; and this pornography is stoking the fire...." Well, if you sat at home and annotated photos of women with whips I don't think you'd wake up in cells next morning having forced some poor woman into domming you!! People are People: We are biomechs that respond to stimulus, however (speaking as a seasoned porn viewer), I can say that the workings of are inner minds are a lot more complex than the idiot at the front operating them: Porn will not turn you into anything: see upcoming post for more on this discussion...
Discussing the paedophile thing makes me twitchy, especially when discussing age-play in the same thread, as the two are TOTALLY UNRELATED.
Think about it: If I play a 'nazi prison guard' in an interrogation scene, am I a nazi?
If I engage in play-rape, does that make me any more likely to engage in real rape?
You are just adding colourful fantasy to sexual conduct, the same way that happens at every every other part of BDSM. Remember: Most 'nillas have a 'school girl fantasy'!! *FILTHY BUGGERS!*
Assuming then, that Age-play is not about paedophilia, then what is it??
Age play is a mimicry of everyday situations in which there is a 'disparity in' or 'exchange of' power between two individuals resulting from a difference in age: The use of personality traits/facets of a situation, such as innocence, care, control, responsibility/irresponsibility, etc. are used to enhance sexual conduct/play.
That's it...
Sometimes it's about being naughty and irresponsible and out of order in a way you just can't be whilst maintaining the façade of an adult...
Sometimes it's about trust and caring for someone...
Sometimes it's about discipline and training...
Sometimes it's about the violation of trust and the love of the vulnerable...
But the point is that it is always with an adult pretending to be a child or adopting the mental persona of a child. It is sexual and inherently adult...
I am an age player:
I do get turned on by an adult adopting/lampooning the mindset of a child and it's relevant lack of boundaries...
I do get turned on by the bond of trust and love and it's violation for mutual sexual gratification...
I do not get turned on by children's bodies: that is just a fact that I and 99% of people share.
I do not get turned on by a child's mind: because it has no sexual element and, as previously stated, I have no attraction to a child's body...
Herein, let it be known that this is the difference between Age Players and paedophiles...