Wednesday, 9 July 2008

All about S...

Right! All that goth shit out of the way, let's talk about someone who deserves a big mention, as she rocks my world!!

I met S about a month and a half ago. Since then we've met a few times and played three times. I like her a lot! More importantly, I like her as a person. We have a lot in common - we're both Northern, with posh accents that slip the more gin we drink and/or the more indignant we get. More interesting though is that she has new and interesting things to talk about and show me... I'm big into new and fascinating things. (as well as vocabulary, which is at present on missing, presumed dead!)

Play wise; I just don't know what to do first...there's so much and always so little time, coupled with the fact that I just enjoy 'being with her'...*anyone else seeing the 'L' word making an ugly and ill timed appearance here? Well yes and no; I can see the start of something cool, but it takes a lot more time and trust before I allow it to form in any meaningful way, see previous post for reasons of cautiousness...*

I loved her views on submission a lot and she loved mine. The idea that you actually hand over control to someone else and that it's not all about your pleasure...

I'm noticing, although I find it hard, that as a Dom it's easy to get pushed into the roll of 'sex aid!' To make the role work well you have to push back, and it's no mean feat as good subs push HARD!

It has been through this relationship that I have discovered the need for D/s and it has now become my life quest to:

  1. Talk more during Doming
  2. Actually have a session where I pick up no toys whatsoever!
  3. Just do many, many more bad things to her!
I'm sure I've made this clear to her on many occasions and I'm clearly not going to turn into a dribbling idiot (*I know...shut up!*) but I've never met anyone quite like her - she is unique and belongs in a hall of fame for fantastically sexy and amazing northerners!

Update: Perhaps not the 'L' word, more the 'I' word (Infatuation) I think...and it's getting stonger... :)

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